“The Secrets of Weather” Course

Understand weather from scratch
Learn the basic weather concepts
Learn to interpret nature’s signs and to forecast the weather
Identify clouds and predict their evolution
Experiment weather at small scale
Impress your friends when you forecast weather yourself
Would you like to understand how weather works? Learn to make your own weather forecasts just by looking at nature’s signs. Or why not understand what they’re talking about on TV, during weather forecasts – fronts, low and high pressure, cyclones and anticyclones, winds… Learn to identify clouds for your next cloudspotting session and know how weather will change just by looking at them! Initiate yourself in Weather forecasting through simple experiments and with simple explanations.
Have you ever wondered how they are predicting weather on TV? Have you been fascinated by all that weather talk you’ve been hearing – such as anti-cyclones, prevailing winds, weather fronts, air masses…? Now is your chance to understand all of that! And everything through simple experiments that we will do and explain together.
I will teach you how to identify clouds, and thus to impress your friends when you will predict, in advance, that rain or a storm will be coming! Stratus, cirrus, cumulonimbus – all will start having a meaning for you, and you will be the best during your next cloud spotting session.
How to predict weather just by looking at nature? You will know how to answer this question and plenty of others, and you will know how to explain it!
Weather is amazing! Understanding how it works, and especially how to forecast it by yourself with nature’s signs – is just overwhelming!
Carry out this activity
Would you like to carry out this activity? It’s simple!
Just build your dream holiday in the Arctic here in Vadsø, and make sure to add this activity in the section dedicated to Aurora Labs’ activities in the wizard!
Expert’s tips
● If you like workshops, did you know that I have another one, Learn the Aurora, which is focused on the discovery and understanding of the Northern Lights (…and it has even an online version)?