The Ar(c)tistic Project

Why not give your artistic side a boost, by directly carrying out your artistic or self-development activity right in the middle of the Arctic nature? Singing, painting, dancing, meditation – to just mention a few – are all suitable here in the Arctic, whether they’ll happen under the Northern Lights or under the Midnight Sun.
The plus? A breathtaking and a beautiful unspoilt nature, which will surround you completely. Just pure, raw Nature!
I created this project in order to promote the Arctic and the Northern Lights as artistic sources of inspiration on a larger scale. I would just love to see more works of art dedicated to or representing Arctic-related elements. And I would love for you to carry out your self development activity (meditation, yoga, just to mention a few) while being immersed in an astonishingly beautiful landscape.
If you think alike, contact me now, and take part yourself in the Ar(c)tistic initiative!
Northern Lights and Arctic Landscapes from Garrick Lam
« I am from Hong Kong and have been fascinated by the magnificence of northern lights. After I had the opportunity to travel to the Arctic, I am more drawn into the northern light magic, breathtaking natural landscape and the heart-warming culture of the Arctic. These are the inspiration of my paintings. I hope I will have the chance to live in the Arctic and continue to be amazed by the Arctic. »
Don’t stop dreaming and fight for your dream, Garrick! Aurora Labs was born from a similar dream 🙂 The best of luck to you!
Northern Lights and Northern Landscapes from Doina B.
« I am Doina B., a retired person, who started painting at the age of 63! Even if we do it clumsily and imperfectly, we need to let imagination run free! Therapy through arts works wonders! »
Imperfections make the world beautiful! Keep up the excellent work, Doina!
Cool Drawings from Alex
Alex is a 7-year-old droll boy, passionate about Lego and drawing. He’s been passionate about drawing since he was little, starting with small paintings on the rooms’ walls, then continuing by filling whole sketchpads with landscapes from his trips or with his favorite characters from fairytales.
As you can see on Alex’s map of Europe, Norway is best represented by the Northern Lights! Thanks Alex for your awesome contribution to the project! Looking forward for more of your very cool drawings!
The Northern Lights in Art
There are some wonderful works of art having the Aurora as main focus. Find here a few of these works of art, which depict this wonderful phenomenon!
Aurora Borealis by Frederic Edwin Church (1865)

Image credit: Frederic Edwin Church artist QS:P170,Q366212 Details of artist on Google Art Project (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: Frederic_Edwin_Church_-_Aurora_Borealis_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg), “Frederic Edwin Church – Aurora Borealis – Google Art Project”, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:PD-old
Skiing Lapp with the Northern Lights by Frants Bøe (1885)

Image credit: Frederic Edwin Church artist QS:P170,Q366212 Details of artist on Image credit: Frants Diderik Bøe artist QS:P170,Q1796156 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: Frants_Bøe_-_Sami_on_skis_in_northern_lights,_1885.jpg), “Frants Bøe – Sami on skis in northern lights, 1885”, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:PD-old
Northern Lights by Tom Thomson (1917)

Image credit: Tom Thomson author QS:P170,Q2035136 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: Tom_Thomson_Northern_Lights.jpg), “Tom Thomson Northern Lights”, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:PD-1996
Norwegian currency
Noteworthy from an artistic point of view, is the now outdated 200 NOK banknote. In 1994, a 200 NOK banknote was issued, which featured, on the front side, the portrait of Kristian Birkeland, a Norwegian magnetism researcher against a stylized Aurora Borealis. It also shows Birkeland’s terrella experiment, on the left side. The backside of this banknote features a stylized Auroral Oval, also evoking the fact that there are daytime Northern Lights in places covered by 24 hours darkness during the polar night, which was an impressive discovery at the time.
Images credit: Norges Bank
If you would like to be part of the Aurora Labs Ar(c)tistic initiative, contact me now!