AuroraEDU for research

I have been fascinated by the Northern Lights since very long. No, since extremely long! In fact, I was so fascinated, that I finally decided to create Aurora Labs in the North, to be able to chase them, to look at them, to observe their beauty, to feel them… and, to show others what I felt the first time I saw them, and to induce to others, at least part of my love and admiration for the Aurorae.
At the same time, I can’t (and I don’t want to) forget my actual background – which is scientific researcher. I have a PhD in Science, specializing in Transmission Electron Microscopy, X-Ray diffraction and synthesis of functional materials (thermoelectric) by solid-state and soft chemistry routes. As a postdoc, I worked in the field of metallurgy, within the characterization of the kinetical behaviour of martensitic steels.
As for the research engineer part of my career, I have studied the microstructural features of steels used for the manufacture of nuclear reactor vessels, through electron and optical microscopy techniques, as well as image processing and granulometry studies. I have also been involved in Polymer Chemistry, at the same time being fascinated by advanced Mathematical calculus, applying it to anything you could imagine! …even Northern Lights!

Research studies in the Arctic
Varanger offers an ocean of possibilities for research: in the domain of the Aurora, climate, atmospherics, just to name a few, but let’s not forget History or Biology. It is possible to welcome scientists from all over the world, to carry out their work right in the middle of their study subject!
Even if not involved directly in the actual study, I would like to get involved in the… let’s call it, “choreography” of such studies. If you’d like to carry out such an investigation, I could do the necessary preparation work for you – such as speak to the key people in the North, in order to prepare what you’d need (meeting room, transportation to the research site, renting of special equipment for studying, etc). Having already carried out such studies myself and having already been involved in the organisation of conferences, I know a thing or two about such preparations.
I might even be of help for some TEM data analysis!
So what’s this all about?
Well, all that you read up to this point are just a few ideas of what I expect from this project. You might have other ideas, and they’re most welcome. Don’t hesitate to get in contact and thus to be part and help grow the Aurora EDU project!