Ar(c)tistic is one of Aurora Labs’ projects, dedicated to promoting the Arctic and the Northern Lights as artistic sources of inspiration on a larger scale. I would love to see more works of art dedicated to, or representing Arctic-related elements, such as the Aurora or Nordic landscapes. The project also encourages you to carry out your self development activity (meditation, yoga, just to mention a few) while being immersed in an astonishingly beautiful landscape.
The first contributions to the Ar(c)tistic project have been submitted by Alex and Doina B., and already displayed on the Aurora Labs website! Check out how awesome they all are! See them here:
Here is a preview of the submitted works:

So why not give your artistic side a boost, by directly carrying out your artistic or self-development activity right in the middle of the Arctic nature? Singing, painting, dancing, meditation – to just mention a few – are all suitable here in Vadsø and Varanger, whether they’ll happen under the Northern Lights or under the Midnight Sun.
The plus? A breathtaking and a beautiful unspoilt nature, which will surround you completely. Just pure, raw Nature.
If you’d like to be part of this project, contact me now, and take part yourself in the Ar(c)tistic initiative!